Shop Canadian Cannabis Products | Alpha Pharm Canada


Shop Canadian Cannabis Products
Girls in bikinis at pool smoking cannabis

Canada's Best Cannabis Products Our Exclusive Collection

From tinctures to vape cartridges, Alpha Pharm Canada carries all the cannabis products an enthusiasts could want. Our line of vape cartridges are especially well regarded in the community. Vapes operate with a small battery which is fastened to a cylinder that encompasses the heating coil. When the vape pen has distillate in its cylinder and is turned on, the battery activates the heater which produces vapor and can be inhaled and consumed.

Cannabis pens

A Burst of Flavour and Euphoria
Like Nothing Else

The marijuana vape cartridges carried at Alpha Pharm Canada are like nothing else in the market, filled with flavour and potent, clean THC. Avoiding taking long inhales can help in preventing the heating coils to get overheated in a vape. Recent studies show that if cannabis oil has popular additives, a battery with a voltage under 5 volts is much safer. In essence, the lower the temperature, the better for the user, as the less formaldehyde is discharged as a result.

Cannabis pens